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Archive for the ‘AIDS’ Category

McCain, Obama, and Hillary: Three Peas In A Pod By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on May 28, 2008

This is the kind of stuff I have been saying. It was Albert Einstein
that said insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again,
expecting different results. Hypocrites say to just pray. Well if they
believe in the power of prayer then it shouldn’t matter to them who to
vote for, but they still stick by McCain, proving their own hypocrisy.
They cannot answer why their prayers only work for one party and not
another. They are proven wrong in even that assumption. What good did
their prayers do for Bush? Absolutely nothing! He continued on with his
corruptioin and is ever so much continuing on with it now. That proves
what liars all these religious frauds are. I will not even give them the
dignity of the title “christian” because they do not follow Christ, but
only follow Satan. The likes of TBN are dedicated to Satan and are
promoting his kingdom and they are reserved for the blackest darkness as
mentioned in 2Peter 2:17.  Those who are affiliated with them had better
separate from them or they will end up being judged along with them for
partaking in their wickedness. I believe they may be the great whore of
Revelation. They seem to deceive more than the catholic church itself.
Of course they promote that heresy too. It is evident who all the lost
are by who they choose to listen to. If they are sold on imposters like
Rush and are endorsing McCain, then they do not know the Lord Jesus
because those who they listen to are not his. They listen to the voice
of a stranger. Christ’s sheep knows his voice. They know his word. Those
who do not know his word are not his sheep. Anyone who would support an
antichrist like McCain prove they are of the same spirit. We know that
republicans are lying imposters because when they were all in power in
the majority they did nothing to stop abortion but instead promoted more
funding for it. Even a fool can understand that you do not fund
something you are against. All republicans are ever as much guilty of
murder as the democrats. We have satanic televangelists promoting
pro-abortion candidate John McCain. All such are damned to hell for the
hellish imposters that they are. They will receive no mercy. Those who
choose to follow all these liars will share in the same fate. God is
against all you wicked imposters and your time is coming! Col.2:8 says,
“Let no one take you captive by hollow and deceptive philosophy, which
depends on human tradition and principles of this world rather than on
Christ.” This two party political sham is a good example of worthless
human tradition. There is no Christ in the repubican party than there is
in the democrat party. The are both hollow and deceptive. Gal.1:10 Paul
makes clear that a servant of Christ is not pleasing to man. Isn’t that
what most preachers these days are, servants of man, not of God? God
commands us through his word that we are not to conform to this world.
Those who are so willing to ignore and forsake scripture do so at your
own eternal jeopardy. I would not give anything to be in the place of
all these worthless compromising cowards. Those who forsake the truth
will receive no mercy because they know better but still rebel against
God and all wisdom. God is willing to forgive all those who will put all
the foolishness of these lies behind them. I was once a fool of the
republican party but God has woken me up to all the lies and hypocrisy.
I realized that most republicans didn’t even claim to be christians.
Those who pretend such are delusional and not connected to the real
world. I pray that all who read this and Chuck’s messages will have
their eyes open too.

This column is archived at

I realize that is extremely difficult for some people to think outside the box. The vast majority of people are prone to be followers, to “go with the flow,” to follow the path of least resistance. This appears to be the nature of human nature.

Therefore, I think I understand the reasoning of many who are so reluctant to step outside the two major parties and vote for a third party candidate. I seem to recall that I, too, was just as hesitant (though not for nearly as long as some people) as they are.

We have all heard it before: He doesn’t stand a chance; it’s a wasted vote; we must work within the party to make it better, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Now, I will be the first to admit that the deck is stacked against an independent candidate succeeding at any political level. The two dominant parties do not like competition. And they have made it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for third parties to have a fighting chance to prevail. My brief experience in third parties convinces me that the old state parties of Eastern Europe had nothing on America’s two major parties, when it comes to dominating and controlling elections.

The media, too, is a co-opted and controlled environment. They refuse to cover minor parties and then attempt to justify their manipulation by saying something along the lines of, “We won’t let you participate until you reach ‘X’ percentage points.” But, of course, their refusal to give an independent candidate any time to present his or her views directly contributes to the lack of percentage points.

I believe that any candidate who has obtained ballot access in enough states to theoretically obtain sufficient electoral votes to win the election (an arduous and expensive process all by itself) should automatically be included in any and all debates and should be given an equal opportunity to present his or her views to the public. Anything less than this is deliberate manipulation of the election. And that is exactly what the two major parties and their collaborators in the mainstream media are doing.

That aside, one would think that sooner or later the American people would wake up to what is happening right in front of their eyes. One would think that they would realize that no matter which party wins the White House or wins control of Congress, most things stay pretty much the same.

All this talk of “conservatism” or “liberalism” is–for the most part–nothing more than campaign rhetoric. It means absolutely nothing. No matter which party wins, the federal government continues to get bigger and more intrusive. American manufacturing jobs and industries continue to be outsourced overseas. Our military personnel continue to be used as the personal militia for the United Nations. Our borders remain open to illegal immigration. The creation of a North American Union marches forward. Construction for the NAFTA superhighway continues unabated. The tactics of the IRS get more and more egregious. Americans continue to work harder and longer for less return, while politicians and CEOs of multinational corporations get richer and more powerful.

It just does not matter one whit which major party “wins.” The American people, freedom, limited government, and the U.S. Constitution lose! One would think that at some point the American people would say “That’s enough” and stop drinking the Kool-Aid from these two major parties. And if there was ever a year when the time appears right for such a revolution, one would think this would be the year.

Look at the three leading candidates: they are three peas in a pod. There is no substantive difference between them. Neither Obama, Clinton, nor McCain have any desire to stop illegal immigration. On this issue, there is no difference between McCain and the Democrats. None. John McCain even voted to grant Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. He joined with Senator Ted Kennedy to provide amnesty to illegal aliens.

Take the war in Iraq. The only candidate among the top three who even hints at bringing our troops home is Obama. And if anyone believes that he is serious about it, I have a bridge I would like to sell you. Neither of the two major parties has any interest in bringing our troops home. No matter which party wins the White House, our troops will continue to be used for U.N. missions all over the world. We will continue to stick our nose wherever it does not belong. We will continue our utopian plans of nation-building, empire-building and international meddling.

No matter which of the two major parties captures the White House, the C.F.R. will dominate the President’s cabinet appointees. Good grief! John McCain, himself, is a member of the C.F.R. Even in the area of federal judges, John McCain was one of the original “Gang of 14” Republicans who joined liberal Democrats in opposing the selection of strict constructionist judges to the federal bench. Anyone who believes that McCain will appoint someone such as Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia is living in a fantasy world.

Regarding the Second Amendment, Gun Owners of America rates John McCain with an F-. It doesn’t get any worse than that, folks. On gun issues, John McCain is not the “lesser of two evils.” Not in any manner, shape, or form.

Just recently, McCain committed himself to supporting the U.N.-sponsored global warming treaty. As with so many of McCain’s policies, this one is right out of the Democratic playbook.

Regarding the loss of America’s sovereignty and the merger of the U.S. into a regional or hemispheric government entity, noted columnist Cliff Kincaid writes, “McCain’s strange rhetoric about ‘North, Central, and South American life’ reflects a view that nation-states are disappearing and being replaced by regional alliances and institutions. He referred to ‘the powerful collective voice of the European Union,’ as if the U.S. response would have to be submersion of our voice in a larger hemispheric entity. But McCain seems to be calling for something beyond even a North American Union (NAU) of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. He talked about ‘creating the new international institutions necessary to advance the peace and freedoms we cherish,’ as if they would be built on top of the EU and the NAU.

“Earlier, McCain had declared, ‘With globalization, our hemisphere has grown closer, more integrated, and more interdependent. Latin America today is increasingly vital to the fortunes of the United States. Americans north and south share a common geography and a common destiny.’ But why should trade with America’s neighbors necessarily lead to a ‘common destiny?’ This implies a political merger of the U.S. with other countries.”

Does that sound like John McCain is the “lesser of two evils” to you? Have you heard Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama talk like this? Again, in regard to the loss of America’s sovereignty and independence, there is no “lesser of two evils” between the major parties.

Can conservatives, Christians, and constitutionalists really go to the polls this November and vote for someone such as John McCain? Do they really not see what John McCain would do to this country? Do they really believe that Clinton or Obama would be any worse? If they do, they are living in a fantasy world.

Take the issue of abortion. John McCain has made a career out of opposing pro-life candidates and causes. Just recently, Jill Stanek wrote a revealing column regarding the duplicity of John McCain’s position on the life issue.

See Stanek’s column at

McCain has steadfastly opposed the Republican Party’s pro-life plank. He has even stated his opposition to overturning Roe v. Wade. He said, “But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support the repeal of Roe v. Wade . . . .”

How long will conservatives, Christians, and lovers of liberty continue to blindly follow these two parties? Can they not see that our constitutional republic and our liberty is hanging by a thread? Do they not realize that Democrats and Republicans alike are willful participants in the destruction of our way of life?

Ladies and gentlemen, please wake up! Get your heads out of the sand! Our country is imploding and we keep electing and re-electing the same scoundrels who are culpable. The media provides them cover. Many of our pastors and Christian leaders provide them cover as well. But it is the people of this country–you and me–who have the power to actually do something about it.

How about this year–just this once–let’s think for ourselves? Let’s vote our principles. Let’s forget what the pundits and experts say. Let’s quit allowing the radio and TV talking heads to tell us who to vote for. And let’s not be afraid to vote outside the two major parties. No, check that. Let’s make a commitment to vote outside the two major parties.

The two major parties have had 150 years to improve our country, to make our country a better place in which to live. What have they done with all this power and opportunity? They have brought us to the edge of destruction.

I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Americans have been electing Republicans and Democrats over and over again, and we have been getting the same result. Let’s try something different this year. What do you say?

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception, terrorism, trinity broadcasting network, witchcraft | Tagged: , , , | Comments Off on McCain, Obama, and Hillary: Three Peas In A Pod By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Fraud Christian Rev. Schenck Challenges Jeremiah Wright But Not George Bush!

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

Hypocrites have nothing better to do than an all out assault on Jeremiah
Wright. I guess these fools think that makes them look good. This idiot
Schenck wants his questions answered? I have written this hypocrite
several times with no reply. All these lobby groups, even these
religious ones, do not represent the people, only their own interests.
If they were legit than this fool would answer my questions. This proves
that none of these imposters care about anything but their own agenda.
Hell was made for scum like this. I bet this character didn’t even
attempt to be civil towards Wright. They all will reap what they sow.
Besides, if you know where a person stands on the issues what is the
point of trying to stir things up? Man, you talk about your godless
strife sowers. God is getting all these hypocrites on the record and
they will not escape wrath! All these neocons are a bunch of racists
that attack anyone that is black, not just leftist liberals, but even in
their own party like Alan Keyes. All their hatred will damn them to
hell. Praise God that He will not allow these neocon idolaters, strife
sowing, godless, hateful racists into His kingdom!

Your missionary to Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, Rob Schenck, reporting:

Today I respectfully challenged Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s long-time pastor, in a face-to-face encounter at the National Press Club here in Washington, DC. I was there as a guest for this special breakfast forum.

The setting was extremely controlled, and no one was allowed to speak directly to Rev. Wright. Still, as an answer to prayer, I was ushered up beyond the rope line where we spoke personally. I also had the chance to discuss the concerns posed by Rev. Wright’s remarks with Greta Van Susteren of On the Record.

Following his carefully scripted speech, Rev. Wright did take questions posed by the moderator (whom he treated very shabbily), including one I submitted. But it was the up-close and personal exchange I had with him that was most telling.

Rev. Wright did nothing to bring the reconciliation that he and Sen. Obama both say they are working toward. In fact, Rev. Wright did far more to alienate people today than to reconcile them.

Please watch and/or read my postings about Rev. Wright at

Thank you for your prayers and interest! I’ll keep you informed.

Rev. Rob Schenck

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , | Comments Off on Fraud Christian Rev. Schenck Challenges Jeremiah Wright But Not George Bush!

Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution To Fight War On Terror!

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, Let's Hear It For The GOP! by Chuck Baldwin, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , | Comments Off on Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution To Fight War On Terror!

Pseudo – Christian Hypocrites Will Criticize Jeremiah Wright But Not George Bush!

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

Michael Savage, in his folly of thinking that we actually liberated
Iraq, has said that they are the most ungrateful people that they are
not willing to repay our help with their oil. So you see, even those who
are ignorant as to what all is really going on recognize what a crock
this war is. Only a complete moron and fool would say everything is
going alright. Only a bloodthirsty lunatic wants 100 years of war. The
reason why I do not respect our military is that a lot of them go along
with this corruption with no conscience at all. Even after the horrors
they faced and the benefits they are being cheated of still support this
scam. So I will not even pretend that our military is virtuous or
righteous. They are willing accomplices to Bush’s evil. This will be
more than evident when martial law comes into effect. If they are
willing to do evil there then they are willing to do evil here and turn
their weapons against us. I thought it was interesting as I am reading
through Peretti’s book “MONSTER” mentions corporate corruption and even
the CARLISLE group (page 199), which you have probably heard has close
ties with Bush. They are involved in that Bear Sterns bail-out scandal.
There is no denying Bush’s affiliation with that corrupt Enron company.
Bush is tied in with the very people neocons condemn, like Al Gore. This
proves that the neocons are the biggest bunch of lying hypocrites to
walk the face of the earth. In my opinion they would outdo the pharisees
of Jesus time by comparison by the level of their hypocrisy. These lying
fools condemn Obama by his affiliation with his pastor but yet will not
condemn Bush for all his affiliations (SKULL & BONES, the terrorist
saudi family, funding palestinians against Israel, Al Gore, John Kerry,
Bill Clinton, and the list goes on). The neocons are the fools with
planks in their eyes trying to pull the spect out of Obama’s eyes. The
biggest joke yet is that there is not a world of difference between
these candidates, but pretend like there is. Again, I think it boils
down to race. That and this godless obsession (idolatry) of the failed
republican party that is ever bit as corrupt, if not more so, than the
democrat party. It is the republicans that has usurped our constitution
faster than any liberal. At least democrats have opposition, republicans
don’t. Also if the democrats were any better wouldn’t they do something
about the republican corruption? This proves that both are the same.
Hillary has even talked about continuing this war. What do liberals have
to say about that? Still think they are any different?

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , | Comments Off on Pseudo – Christian Hypocrites Will Criticize Jeremiah Wright But Not George Bush!

The Church In Apostasy By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

This is a great one too. The devotion to Bush above Christ is proof of
an apostate church. The churches have effectively brainwashed most
everyone to be bushians than christians. This is so evident. It is not
just that of mere silence about Bush’s evil but they go into a demonic
frenzy whenever anyone dare speak the truth about Bush’s evil. This
overeaction and overprotectiveness over such a corrupt figure is obvious
wicked fruit in that they condone and are at one with this evil. These
hypocrites only defense is to “just pray.” Would these hypocrites say
“just pray” during Hitler’s holocaust? Well I am convinced if Hitler was
a republican I would say YES. These hypocrites would pass the buck and
blame the democrats for it. I had a little hope for Michael Savage but
probably knew it would be too good to be true about him coming around to
the truth. Lately he has been having guests on his show praising Bush
and McCain and he is calling McCain a war hero, which is an absolute
lie. Savage is such a hypocrite. He talks against dopers while he even
admits his own drunkeness. What is the difference? They are both
substance abuse. I am going to have to forget talk radio altogether
because it is all crap. While even that COAST TO COAST is interesting at
times it gets too much. I really get sick of it when they get someone on
there that claims to be a christian but yet discredits most of the
bible’s teachings. I can understand why there is coming a day of wrath
from God. My spirit is full of holy fury when I hear all this blasphemy

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , , | Comments Off on The Church In Apostasy By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Charlie Daniels Has More Discernment Than Many Conservative Christians

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

I can’t believe that even Charlie Daniels is speaking out about apostasy
in America. Usually these entertainers are sold out to the neocon

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: | Comments Off on Charlie Daniels Has More Discernment Than Many Conservative Christians

Pray Not For These People (Apostate Reprobate False Christians)

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

WOW! This article pulls no punches. You may want this for your blog. But
I warn you that you will no doubt get hateful neocon responses over
this. This is on the level of Jeremiah Wright without the hypocrisy. You
may even get death threats from these murderous neocons. I am finally
glad to come across some really hard hitting stuff like this. This even
goes a bit further than me, saying to not even pray for America.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, Let's Hear It For The GOP! by Chuck Baldwin, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , , , , | Comments Off on Pray Not For These People (Apostate Reprobate False Christians)

Apathetic Pastors And Christians Killing America By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on April 29, 2008

Chuck really nails it about the hypocritical church leadership. Those
quotes from Daniel Webster are very insightful. You know those quotes of
his are almost identical to what Osama Bin Laden said to hs own
followers that they don’t have to do much terrorizing because we will be
done in by our own leaders. Either he is very perceptive of our
situation or he has cut a deal with our leaders. I remember hearing some
that have said they had seen Bin Laden over here before 9/11, like in
Vegas. I think he is aligned with Bush and that is why nothing is ever
done about him. They are probably the best of buddies. Anyone has to be
a total fool and complete moron to still believe in this war when it has
been nothing but nonsense and gets worse all the time. Anyone that wants
to serve under a fool is a bigger fool than he.

This column is archived at

America’s most celebrated jurist, Daniel Webster (himself a dedicated Christian man), said, “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” Obviously, Christian men down through our history have personally and collectively shown themselves more than willing to “guard and defend” our liberties. From Bunker Hill to the Alamo, Christian men stood tall in the defense of America’s freedom. So, it is more than a little disconcerting to realize that there is a sizeable percentage of today’s Christians who seem completely unwilling to “guard and defend” liberty in these United States of America.

Oh, I know that almost all of our pastors and church leaders will laud and honor a young Christian man’s decision to join our armed forces and go overseas to fight enemies abroad. But when it comes to opposing those within our own country who seek to dismantle constitutional government or the principles of liberty, their support for resistance turns to apathy and indifference. (The reason for this couldn’t be because they simply don’t want to do the hard work, could it? Please tell me it ain’t so!)

I have even had Christians tell me that we should not oppose any attempts to resist draconian developments within our country, because doing so would actually be resisting God. The reasoning goes something like this: “The Bible says things will get worse and worse. Therefore, all this ‘bad’ stuff happening is God’s will, and if we try to prevent it, we are fighting against God’s will.” I know it sounds incredible, but we might be shocked as to the number of professing Christians that actually subscribe to such nonsense.

Isn’t it interesting, however, that these same Christians did not believe we were fighting against God’s will when we sent hundreds of thousands of U.S. military forces (many of them Christians) to fight and destroy the evil regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq? If things are supposed to get worse and worse and we would be opposing God’s will by resisting, why should we interfere in Iraq? Why should we send troops to Afghanistan, if we are not to resist evil?

And, of course, the bigger question is, If it is right to resist evil in a foreign country half way around the world, why is it not right to resist evil in our own country?

Furthermore, the same Christians that tell us we should not oppose any evil being perpetrated by those within our own government will scream about the importance of going to the polls in November and defeating the “evil” Democrats. But why? If Christians are not to resist evil, because the Bible says things will get worse and worse, why should we worry about who wins an election? In fact, it would seem that the best thing we could do would be to identify the absolute worst, most evil candidate we could find and vote for him (or her). After all, if God intends for things to get worse and worse, why don’t we help Him out by assisting the efforts of evil people?

I wonder if Christians actually think about what they are saying?

When Jesus said, “resist not evil,” (Matt. 5:39) did He mean that we should not oppose a would-be rapist or murderer? Did He mean we should not oppose those who would destroy our homes or country? I know a few honest pacifists. However, this is not the belief system of most Christians. Most Christians believe in lawful self-defense (including this writer).

The fact is, if it is right to oppose evil in Iraq (and I am among those who question the constitutional right and authority of the war in Iraq), it is right to oppose evil in America. If we Christians are willing to send our fellow believers to fight and die in opposition to tyranny half way around the world, it is right that we should be willing to fight and even die in opposition to tyranny right here at home. It is absolute lunacy for Christians to flippantly dismiss their moral, spiritual, and civil obligation to resist the tyrannical tendencies of corrupt political powers in these United States.

Christians are plainly commanded to resist the Evil One (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:9). When Abraham’s nephew, Lot, was taken captive by an alien army, did Abraham say, “Things are going to get worse and worse and there is nothing we can do about it”? Or did he gather his own army and attack the invaders and deliver his nephew (see Genesis chapter 14)?

During the dark days of Israel’s captivities, did not God raise up deliverers to stand against the evildoers? When David saw Goliath, did he say, “Things are supposed to get worse and worse”? Or did he gather his sling and stones and march out to face the pagan?

The history of the early church in New Testament times is one continuous example of resistance to tyrannical authority. The apostles repeatedly refused to submit to the dictates and demands of both Jewish and Roman authorities. Every apostle, save John, was killed for resisting carnal authority.

Throughout church history, martyrdom was common. Some such as Huss and Tyndale died passively at the hands of various religious and political elements, while others such as Zwingli died on the battlefield resisting corrupt and tyrannical governments.

The fact is, for more than two thousand years of Church history–from John the Baptist to John Witherspoon–Christians have repeatedly and consistently resisted evil authorities. How dare pastors and Christians now say that we should not resist the evil, tyrannical tendencies of powerful politicos? How dare they suggest that it is “God’s will” that we allow evil to triumph in our land?

Worse still is the apathy and indifference that many Christians display toward the great freedoms and liberties into which they have been born as Americans. We enjoy these great liberties, because our forebears (many of them Christians) were willing to fight and die to bequeath them to us. We do not enjoy the rights and freedoms enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and announced in the Declaration of Independence by chance or luck. These freedoms were secured by the blood, sweat, and tears of brave Americans who chose to fight evil in our own country.

America has enjoyed the blessings of liberty, because, as Webster said, our fathers and grandfathers were willing to “guard and defend” it. Will this be the generation that refuses to “guard and defend” liberty? Will this be the generation that permits the evil machinations of powerful, but corrupt, authorities to steal liberty from our posterity?

There is another statement by Daniel Webster that today’s Christians need to take to heart: “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.”

Should Webster’s warning come true for America, it will be because our pastors and Christian leaders refused to “guard and defend” liberty in our own land. Should this happen, our tombstone will read, “Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches.”

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: | Comments Off on Apathetic Pastors And Christians Killing America By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Are We Headed For Jericho? by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on March 30, 2008

Wow! This is a powerful revealing article by Chuck. I am like him by the
fact I don’t keep up with network television myself because we don’t
have cable or satellite and so I can’t pick up the major networks like
CBS, NBC, and FOX. I can barely get ABC. But I guess this will change
when or if we decide to get the mandatory digital tv box, which I assume
can get equal reception on all channels. Maybe then I can watch this
show, Jericho. What was really startling was tha Chuck said that Iraq
veterans told him that they had to be ready to turn the guns on the
american people. All the others involved in this war are either are not
privy to this info or they are deliberate liars. I also wasn’t aware of
that statement from Benjamin Franklin “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience
to God.” All these hypocrites try to use all those scriptures of
submission to authority to submit to tyrants. Of course in their own
standards are hypocrites because they give high praise to our founding
fathers, who were rebels. We would not have this country now if our
forefathers didn’t rebel against authority. I know, I still get confused
over some of those scriptures, probably because they have been so taken
out of context that they seem to lose their true meaning. If the
scriptures about authority or anyone grumbling was how hypocrites
portray then the bible is the most divided book ever because according
to these dstortions all the prophets were grumblers and faultfinders.
They didn’t submit to authoriy. If they had they would not have been
persecuted and martyred. Jesus was the biggest rebel. He disrespected
Herod by calling him THAT FOX (Luke 13:33). So despite all the
distortions I just look at the characters of Jesus and his disciples
when I can’t understand all that is written that seems to contradict
their very own characters. Some scriptures encourage rebuke while others
seem to condemn it.

This column is archived at

A friend recently turned me on to the CBS television series, Jericho.
I watch so little network television that I confess to never having
seen the show before this week. Obviously, then, I am quite uninformed
as to the overall plot and previous episodes. What I saw Tuesday
evening, however, stunned me. Why? Because it very aptly depicted what
could become a very real-life scenario for these United States in the
not-so-distant future.

If I accurately picked up the basic plot of the show, average,
freedom-loving citizens in the Western U.S. are fighting against
tyrannical elements of their own government, including military
forces. The State of Texas has declared its independence from the
corrupt new government and another civil war is breaking out in
America. And all this was predicated upon a nuclear attack, which some
believed was an inside job. Am I close?

Contributing further to my amazement was the way Jericho used
real-life political events to depict America’s fall into tyranny. I
was flabbergasted to see the characters of Jericho refer to the
Continuity of Government act as the foundation for the government’s
declaration of martial law after the nuclear attack had occurred.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Continuity of Government (COG) act is not
television make-believe: it is the real deal.

To read up on COG, go to Wikipedia’s entry at

In addition, I have reported the potential problems associated with
COG in this column.


See also

Here is a quote from the Wikipedia entry: “The George W. Bush
administration put the Continuity of Operations plan into effect for
the first time directly following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Their implementation involves a rotating staff of 75 to 150 senior
officials and other government workers from every Cabinet department
and other parts of the executive branch in two secure bunkers on the
East Coast . . . .

“The Bush Administration officially admitted the implementation of the
plan on March 1, 2002. Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know
this government-in-waiting had been established.

“On July 18, 2007 Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., a member of the U. S.
House Committee on Homeland Security, was denied access to the
classified version of the continuity of government plan. Though
members can access classified information, this is the first time
documents have been denied.”

As I wrote on January 12, 2007, “In a nutshell, proponents of COG
envision a terrorist attack that would precipitate the suspension of
the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, COG would authorize Congress to
appoint its own members, including those in state legislatures,
without a vote of the people. COG even envisions the enactment of such
authority for reasons of ‘incapacitation’ (whatever that is) even if
no emergency exists.”

Noted author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, wrote this of Bush’s enactment of COG,
“Translated into layman’s terms, when the president determines a
national emergency has occurred, the president can declare to the
office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct
any and all government and business activities until the emergency is
declared over.”

Contrary to the ranting of politicians and media talking heads about
how great things are going in these United States, millions of
Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the total corruption,
crookedness, and chicanery of government officials. They have had it
with being lied to, cheated, and beaten down with thousands of rules,
regulations, and laws, which serve only to empower the political and
business elite. They do not trust any of their politicians to tell
them the truth. Their money and jobs are disappearing; their children
are being brainwashed in government schools; their homes and property
are being taxed out of existence; and even their country’s very
sovereignty is being forfeited to foreign interests. I believe the
level of frustration and anger is rising to the point that a Jericho
scenario could very easily occur.

I personally believe there are only three reasons why we are not
already living the Jericho experience. One, people have been quite
comfortable in their own personal lifestyles. They have enjoyed
comfortable homes, nice automobiles, fine clothes, and pleasure-filled
vacations. Who in their right mind wants to give up the tranquility of
hearth and home? Two, most of America still rests upon a Christian
foundation. As such, Americans believe in peace and harmony. They
believe in law and order. They believe in submitting to authority.
Three, there has not been an overt, large-scale attempt by government
to confiscate the firearms of the American people. Remember, it was
the Crown’s attempted gun confiscation at Concord that ignited the
American Revolution back in 1775.

However, the materialistic comfort of the average American is quickly
fading away. People are losing their jobs, their livelihoods, their
homes, and their savings. More than that, they are losing hope for a
better tomorrow, and they are losing confidence in their government to
honestly protect their freedoms–even their national identity.

Plus, most Christians know that there is such a thing as lawful
rebellion. Even Christ’s early disciples said no to various
governments during extreme situations. And for us Americans, freedom
and liberty runs deep in our veins. Many of us have not buried our
Don’t Tread On Me banners. We share the sentiment of Benjamin Franklin
who said, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Furthermore, Hurricane Katrina put the American people on notice that
their government is more than willing to confiscate their firearms.
Plus, the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling regarding the right to keep
and bear arms is likely to authorize even tighter government
regulation on this fundamental right. Even more disconcerting are the
reports we are hearing from soldiers coming home from Iraq and
Afghanistan telling us that they are being told to prepare for orders
to turn their weapons on the American people, should the President
declare martial law. (I have had more than one Iraq War veteran tell
me this.)

I am afraid that the CBS television series Jericho is more than
fantasy: it could be a prediction of the future. As Thomas Jefferson
said, “I tremble for my country.”

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Are We Headed For Jericho? by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Now TBN Allows Those That Deny The Deity Of Jesus Christ On Their Airwaves!

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

Wow! This article says TBN had guests on that deny the deity of Christ.
Jospeh Good is one and who sounds like one of these jewish sabbatarians
that say Jesus true name is Yeshua. What is the point of them making a
big deal about his name if they deny his deity? There is no power in a
name that isn’t. Using the name of Yeshua is equivalent to that of a
catholic saint or pagan deity. False religions like this promote the
name of Yeshua, which probably is in fact a name of a demon. Yeshua has
to bow to the name of Jesus, PRAISE GOD! ALL THESE FALSE GODS WILL BOW

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Now TBN Allows Those That Deny The Deity Of Jesus Christ On Their Airwaves!