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Service To Jesus Christ Is The Highest Calling

Archive for March, 2008

Are We Headed For Jericho? by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on March 30, 2008

Wow! This is a powerful revealing article by Chuck. I am like him by the
fact I don’t keep up with network television myself because we don’t
have cable or satellite and so I can’t pick up the major networks like
CBS, NBC, and FOX. I can barely get ABC. But I guess this will change
when or if we decide to get the mandatory digital tv box, which I assume
can get equal reception on all channels. Maybe then I can watch this
show, Jericho. What was really startling was tha Chuck said that Iraq
veterans told him that they had to be ready to turn the guns on the
american people. All the others involved in this war are either are not
privy to this info or they are deliberate liars. I also wasn’t aware of
that statement from Benjamin Franklin “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience
to God.” All these hypocrites try to use all those scriptures of
submission to authority to submit to tyrants. Of course in their own
standards are hypocrites because they give high praise to our founding
fathers, who were rebels. We would not have this country now if our
forefathers didn’t rebel against authority. I know, I still get confused
over some of those scriptures, probably because they have been so taken
out of context that they seem to lose their true meaning. If the
scriptures about authority or anyone grumbling was how hypocrites
portray then the bible is the most divided book ever because according
to these dstortions all the prophets were grumblers and faultfinders.
They didn’t submit to authoriy. If they had they would not have been
persecuted and martyred. Jesus was the biggest rebel. He disrespected
Herod by calling him THAT FOX (Luke 13:33). So despite all the
distortions I just look at the characters of Jesus and his disciples
when I can’t understand all that is written that seems to contradict
their very own characters. Some scriptures encourage rebuke while others
seem to condemn it.

This column is archived at

A friend recently turned me on to the CBS television series, Jericho.
I watch so little network television that I confess to never having
seen the show before this week. Obviously, then, I am quite uninformed
as to the overall plot and previous episodes. What I saw Tuesday
evening, however, stunned me. Why? Because it very aptly depicted what
could become a very real-life scenario for these United States in the
not-so-distant future.

If I accurately picked up the basic plot of the show, average,
freedom-loving citizens in the Western U.S. are fighting against
tyrannical elements of their own government, including military
forces. The State of Texas has declared its independence from the
corrupt new government and another civil war is breaking out in
America. And all this was predicated upon a nuclear attack, which some
believed was an inside job. Am I close?

Contributing further to my amazement was the way Jericho used
real-life political events to depict America’s fall into tyranny. I
was flabbergasted to see the characters of Jericho refer to the
Continuity of Government act as the foundation for the government’s
declaration of martial law after the nuclear attack had occurred.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Continuity of Government (COG) act is not
television make-believe: it is the real deal.

To read up on COG, go to Wikipedia’s entry at

In addition, I have reported the potential problems associated with
COG in this column.


See also

Here is a quote from the Wikipedia entry: “The George W. Bush
administration put the Continuity of Operations plan into effect for
the first time directly following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Their implementation involves a rotating staff of 75 to 150 senior
officials and other government workers from every Cabinet department
and other parts of the executive branch in two secure bunkers on the
East Coast . . . .

“The Bush Administration officially admitted the implementation of the
plan on March 1, 2002. Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know
this government-in-waiting had been established.

“On July 18, 2007 Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., a member of the U. S.
House Committee on Homeland Security, was denied access to the
classified version of the continuity of government plan. Though
members can access classified information, this is the first time
documents have been denied.”

As I wrote on January 12, 2007, “In a nutshell, proponents of COG
envision a terrorist attack that would precipitate the suspension of
the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, COG would authorize Congress to
appoint its own members, including those in state legislatures,
without a vote of the people. COG even envisions the enactment of such
authority for reasons of ‘incapacitation’ (whatever that is) even if
no emergency exists.”

Noted author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, wrote this of Bush’s enactment of COG,
“Translated into layman’s terms, when the president determines a
national emergency has occurred, the president can declare to the
office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct
any and all government and business activities until the emergency is
declared over.”

Contrary to the ranting of politicians and media talking heads about
how great things are going in these United States, millions of
Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the total corruption,
crookedness, and chicanery of government officials. They have had it
with being lied to, cheated, and beaten down with thousands of rules,
regulations, and laws, which serve only to empower the political and
business elite. They do not trust any of their politicians to tell
them the truth. Their money and jobs are disappearing; their children
are being brainwashed in government schools; their homes and property
are being taxed out of existence; and even their country’s very
sovereignty is being forfeited to foreign interests. I believe the
level of frustration and anger is rising to the point that a Jericho
scenario could very easily occur.

I personally believe there are only three reasons why we are not
already living the Jericho experience. One, people have been quite
comfortable in their own personal lifestyles. They have enjoyed
comfortable homes, nice automobiles, fine clothes, and pleasure-filled
vacations. Who in their right mind wants to give up the tranquility of
hearth and home? Two, most of America still rests upon a Christian
foundation. As such, Americans believe in peace and harmony. They
believe in law and order. They believe in submitting to authority.
Three, there has not been an overt, large-scale attempt by government
to confiscate the firearms of the American people. Remember, it was
the Crown’s attempted gun confiscation at Concord that ignited the
American Revolution back in 1775.

However, the materialistic comfort of the average American is quickly
fading away. People are losing their jobs, their livelihoods, their
homes, and their savings. More than that, they are losing hope for a
better tomorrow, and they are losing confidence in their government to
honestly protect their freedoms–even their national identity.

Plus, most Christians know that there is such a thing as lawful
rebellion. Even Christ’s early disciples said no to various
governments during extreme situations. And for us Americans, freedom
and liberty runs deep in our veins. Many of us have not buried our
Don’t Tread On Me banners. We share the sentiment of Benjamin Franklin
who said, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Furthermore, Hurricane Katrina put the American people on notice that
their government is more than willing to confiscate their firearms.
Plus, the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling regarding the right to keep
and bear arms is likely to authorize even tighter government
regulation on this fundamental right. Even more disconcerting are the
reports we are hearing from soldiers coming home from Iraq and
Afghanistan telling us that they are being told to prepare for orders
to turn their weapons on the American people, should the President
declare martial law. (I have had more than one Iraq War veteran tell
me this.)

I am afraid that the CBS television series Jericho is more than
fantasy: it could be a prediction of the future. As Thomas Jefferson
said, “I tremble for my country.”

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, Jesus Christ, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Are We Headed For Jericho? by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Now TBN Allows Those That Deny The Deity Of Jesus Christ On Their Airwaves!

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

Wow! This article says TBN had guests on that deny the deity of Christ.
Jospeh Good is one and who sounds like one of these jewish sabbatarians
that say Jesus true name is Yeshua. What is the point of them making a
big deal about his name if they deny his deity? There is no power in a
name that isn’t. Using the name of Yeshua is equivalent to that of a
catholic saint or pagan deity. False religions like this promote the
name of Yeshua, which probably is in fact a name of a demon. Yeshua has
to bow to the name of Jesus, PRAISE GOD! ALL THESE FALSE GODS WILL BOW

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Now TBN Allows Those That Deny The Deity Of Jesus Christ On Their Airwaves!

Rush Limbaugh Orchestrated Vote Fraud: Cuyahoga County Board of Elections begins investigation of primary crossover voters

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

You know that OPERATION CHAOS of Rush is now coming under criminal
investigation. Praise God these wicked neocons will not get away with
their crimes. What is so hypocritical is those who think they are
christian like my family still support this blasphemy. How can they
think they will escape the judgment of God? These neocons are getting
bold in their wickedness to where it is more than obvious so there is no
excuse for any amount of ignorance. The wicked know who they are because
they can no longer make excuses anymore.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , | Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh Orchestrated Vote Fraud: Cuyahoga County Board of Elections begins investigation of primary crossover voters


Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

“1My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t
show favoritism. 2Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold
ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in.
3If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say,
“Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there”
or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4have you not discriminated among
yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? 5Listen, my dear
brothers; Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world
to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who
love him? 6But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are
exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court?
7Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to who
you belong? 8If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, “Love
your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. 9But if you show
favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10For
whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty
of breaking all of it. 11For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also
said, “Do not murder.” If you do no commit adultery but do commit
murder, you have become a lawbreaker. 12Speak and act as those who are
going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13because judgment
without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy
triumphs over judgment!” You won’t hear that passage in most churches
because they are guilty of this favoritism. Not just of the rich but
also politicians as well. Hypocrites like John Hagee support McCain, who
he claims supports Israel, but the fact is that McCain is as divisive
against Israel as Bush or more so. Hagee betrays the jewish people in
more ways than one. He teaches lies while pretending to support them.
Anything but the truth is pure hatred. This is why all liars are
condemned to the lake of fire and who love the lies (Rev.22:15). All
those who support Israel’s enemies like this administration has as well
as all neocons and continue the slaughter of the unborn under Bush but
pretend that it hasn’t will come under certain judgment. This passage of
James exposes all the favoritism of the neocons. Those who hate God yet
claim to follow Christ and do not know his word will get it here coming
from me. There will be no excuse for your wickedness. These wicked
prosperity preachers condemn, judge, and accuse those who are poor. Well
James made it obvious that it is the other way around. The charlatans
are teaching another Jesus that is not in the bible and Paul said that
such are eternally condemned. Come out from these wicked vipers or you
will share their fate. 2Peter chapter 2 is all about false teachers and
their destruction. In verse 17 it says that the blackest darkness is
reserved for them. Believe me, you do not want to share that fate. It
will be much worse for them than the heathens. Verse 21 “It would have
been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness,than to
have known it and then turn their backs on the sacred command that was
passed on to them.” This says it all. Hypocrites will suffer more than
anyone will.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: | Comments Off on FAVORITISM FORBIDDEN BY JAMES 2:1-13!

Christians Stay Away From Roman Catholics Even If They Are Pro – Life!

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

You see what frauds these pro-life hypocrites are, calling the pope HOLY
FATHER. All these catholics and the pope is nothing but a show like all
these protestant fakers too.

Yesterday we recalled the Annunciation, on which Mary received the message of the angel that she “would conceive, and bear a son, and … call his name Jesus.” Gabriel’s announcement was the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy of Isaiah –

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for evermore.

All this is fulfilled in an unborn child. What a tremendous pledge from Heaven, filled with hope! The Annunciation of the Incarnation contains many promises – that God will share in our humanity, that his peaceful reign will never end and that those who welcome it will be established in “judgment and justice” (Douay-Rheims).

Your missionary team at the National Pro-Life Action Center on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, is working to bring about the judgment and justice that was promised in the Annunciation. We are praying and working at the US Supreme Court and federal and state courts for justice for the unborn, the incapacitated and the terminally ill. We are proclaiming the Gospel of Life and giving the Justices of the Supreme Court and state courts and other judges the information, education and inspiration they need to better form their consciences so they will make better decisions.

Your support in the form of prayers and financial gifts are urgently needed as we prepare for the Pope’s visit to Washington next month. We will be hosting pro-life pilgrims, priests and missionaries from around the country who will be meeting with the Justices, judges and senators to advance the Holy Father’s message that “the right to life of every innocent human being, born or unborn, is absolute and applies equally to all people with no exception whatsoever.”

Please help us at this critical and hopeful time with your generous contribution by clicking here. You may also send your contribution to NPLAC, 113 2nd St NE, Washington, DC 20002 or donate over the phone by calling Ashley at 202-546-8329, extension 104.

Thank you for your generous donation. Please remember us in your prayers April 15-18 as we proclaim the Gospel of Life in the nation’s capital.

Dr. Paul CB Schenck, MEV
Founding Director
The National Pro-Life Action Center on Capitol Hill

National ProLife Action Center
113 2nd ST. NE
Washington, DC 20002
The National Pro-Life Action Center (NPLAC) is the nation’s only institution located on Capitol Hill that is defending and advocating the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. On a daily basis, NPLAC engages our nation’s leaders and policy makers on the importance of establishing a true culture of life. NPLAC continues to be at the forefront of the fight to turn back the agenda of the culture of death, from ensuring accountability and integrity in our elected officials and judicial nominees, to combating a pro-death legislative agenda that includes unrestricted abortion, expanded federal funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR), legalized cloning and euthanasia.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Tagged: , | Comments Off on Christians Stay Away From Roman Catholics Even If They Are Pro – Life!

Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq (Hardcover)

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

WOW! I heard the SAVAGE NATION recently and it was awesome. He had
several guests on that were great as well as great callers. I had almost
gotten to the point of totally giving up on Michael Savage. He is not
the typical neocon but is somewhat brainwashed. I think after his guests
last night he may finally be waking up. This author that was on last
hight was really good except one point of disagreement where he said
that this administration caters to zionists, which is totally backwards.
Bush is leading them by the nose but that is by no means catering. It is
just the equivalent of what the bible refers to as a FLATTERING TONGUE
to which Bush is only telling them what they want to hear. If he really
cared for Israel he would not be arming their enemies. Everyone falls
for the lie that Iraq is all about Israel. That is like saying that
global warming causes global cooling. It is a contradiction. But other
than that he was right on. Like all the stuff we have talked about. He
even said that the terrorists want McCain for next president because
they know he is another Bush full of hot air and that the democrat
candidates would keep up this war also, just like I have been saying all
along. Democrats need to wake up because their leaders are as ever
pro-war as neocons. Many are saying that McCain is Bush #3, but worse. I
almost hope Bush implements martial law to expose the phonies that keep
talking about the lesser of evils. Then I can laugh in their face. He
also said that Bin Laden gave an address to his followers about not
having to do much against America because he knows we will be done in by
our own government. Savage said he realized this every time he goes to
the airport that the terrorists have already won. There was an awesome
caller that came out and said that neocons are big government communists
and Savage agreed and talked about the meltdown of church and society.
He even got a caller that got onto him for supporting McCain earlier in
the show and told him that he was disappointed in him because he knew
that he was different than all the other bushbot neocon shows. Wow, I
really hope that sinks in. His own fans have to set him straight. Praise
God people are getting fed up and see the truth. Just like Abe Lincoln
said that you can’t fool all the people all of the time. Of course those
like my folks are the perpetual fools. Also Jerome Corsi of WORLD NET
DAILY, who has often been on COAST TO COAST, brought an update on the
mexican truck issue. You know the requirements that Bush promised for
them to meet? You can guess what I am about to tell you. YES, AGAIN,
NOTHING BUT A LIAR. Christians really have no excuse at all for this
coming election because we had a true christian in Ron Paul running and
most did not get behind him but are supporting this antichristian
heathen McCain. Oh, you bet there will be hell to pay for all who
disgrace Christ’s name. There are scriptures that speak of that (which I
will get into at another time). I GUESS YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD THAT THE
these unsavory characters are enough to keep me from voting for McCain.
If someone pointed a gun to my head I would still not vote for that
wicked imposter McCain! If this nonsense continues on there will be
massive civil unrest. You know all that flaunt their wealth, and this
goes very well for those who claim to be christian, will be open targets
for crime. As the middle class decreases and people losing jobs and
homes will become desperate. Only those who welcome the poor and the
suffering will receive mercy, both in this life and the next. God bless
you and keep strong in hope.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq (Hardcover)

More Evidence Still Of Rush Limbaugh Corruption!

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

This proves that Rush is a liar. He is deliberately plotting deceipt. We
know where Rush is going according to Revelation 22:15, about those who
love and practice lies. Anyone that claims to be a christian while
supporting these lies will be damned eternally, being judged the
hypocrites they are. Jesus said unless your righteousness surpasses that
of the pharisees you will not enter in God’s kingdom. The neocons do not
surpass the righteousness of the pharisees, so is proof of where all
these liars and self righteous hypocrites will go. PRAISE GOD THAT THESE

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on More Evidence Still Of Rush Limbaugh Corruption!

Speaking The Truth In Love

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

This is an excellent article I came across. This explains that true love
is the whole counsel of God. This exposes the heresy of the feelgood
positivity doctrines that pretend that true love is withholding the
truth to spare other’s feelings. I admit that I have not understood a
lot of those scriptures because they always came across to me as all
this feelgood newage fluff. This article helped clear that up for me.
That fluff is the kind of feelgood nonsense my family is into. I guess I
had been lied to so much it is even hard to read scripture right. But we
all know by example how Jesus and the apostles were opposite of fluff.
That was why it seem like there was so much contradiction in those
scriptures. Even with this it is still hard to understand some of the
scriptures. You have scriptures that tell you to speak up then others
that tell you to be quiet. It can’t be both so must be translation
errors or something. I know that they may be refering to different
situations but the bible really doesn’t make it clear in a lot of cases
where everything is generalized as the same. It is almost like that
saying that the more you learn the less you know. Just like Proverbs
mostly condemns the rich but then there are ones that praise the rich
and stereotypes the poor as bums. If the bible was more clear on all
matters it could not be taken out of context like it is. That is how
these rich televangelists get away with their lies because they use
scriptures right out of the bible. Even from the very words of Jesus
like when he said that those who leave family, houses, and material
things will receive a hundred fold in this life. I guess the only thing
is that Jesus said to give all to the poor, not to rich preachers. You
know those snakes would take houses and everything. It is no wonder why
Jesus called them ravenous wolves.

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Speaking The Truth In Love

Rush Limbaugh Exposed. Again. Why Do People Follow This Man?

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh Exposed. Again. Why Do People Follow This Man?

Let’s Hear It For The GOP! by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on March 27, 2008

This column is archived at

I think it is time that we all stood up and gave the Republican Party
a big round of applause. I mean, they have done us all a huge favor.
By an overwhelming majority, the GOP has prevented a potential plague
from enveloping these United States of America, and I think it is time
that we acknowledged it. Yes, the GOP stopped a potential catastrophe.
Without the combined efforts of millions of Republicans, there is no
telling what kind of disaster might have ensued. Let’s hear it for the
GOP! Hip Hip Hooray!

For a few minutes there, I thought the GOP might have lost its mind,
but I am glad to report that all is well with the Republican Party.
The international bankers and oil companies, and the
military-industrial complex, as well as the presidents of Mexico and
Canada, can breathe easy. With John McCain as the presumptive
Republican nominee, the globalist power brokers who have dominated the
last three Presidential administrations can know that they are still
in charge. There will be no changing of the guard this November.

It was scary there for a while. You see, there was this kook who was
running for the Republican nomination that had the potential to upset
the applecart real good. But thankfully, the fine people within the
GOP rose to the occasion and beat back the attempts of his nutty
supporters to vault him to the nomination.

After all, just think what would have taken place if this kook Ron
Paul had won the Republican nomination for President. This nut case
actually believes that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the
land. Imagine that. That means he would never take America to war
except with a Declaration of War by Congress. Think how such a thing
would prevent America’s meddling and interventionism worldwide. Think
of the billions and even trillions of tax dollars that would not need
to be spent overseas. Think of how much money Halliburton would lose.
Think of how much money the Federal Reserve bankers would lose by not
being able to loan money to the U.S. government. It is too ghastly to
think about.

Furthermore, this Ron Paul nut might have actually insisted that the
federal government declare unborn babies to be “persons” under the
law. Think of it. This would mean that every unborn baby would have
the immediate protection of law. And this would have happened without
the necessity of appointing a single Supreme Court justice. Whew! The
Republican Party dodged a bullet on that one. Now they can continue to
talk about being “pro-life” for the next thirty years in order to fool
Christian conservatives into voting for them without having to
actually do anything about it.

This Ron Paul kook would also have put a stop to the incessant spying
on the American people by their own federal government. Egad! This
Paul character would have set America back two hundred years. Think of
it. No more illegal wiretaps. No more reading private emails, letters,
and telegrams. No more harassment by the BATFE of law-abiding firearms
dealers for honest errors in paperwork. No more using the wars on
“terror” and “drugs” to violate the Fourth Amendment. Think of the
money that would be lost by the feds not confiscating the private
property of the American people.

In addition, if this Ron Paul nut had actually become President, he
might have succeeded in abolishing the Internal Revenue Service and
overturning the Sixteenth Amendment. Holy Horrors! Can you imagine the
tragedy that would have ensued? No more income taxes. No more tax
forms to fill out. No more IRS agents arresting hard-working citizens
for “tax evasion.” No more government tracking of our private
financial transactions. Think of the US attorneys whose services would
no longer be necessary. Imagine that. The federal government would
actually be required to live within its means; it could no longer
raise taxes, because there would be no more taxes to raise.

And if all of the above is not bad enough, this Ron Paul kook would
actually demand that the federal government obey the Tenth Amendment.
This, all by itself, would reduce the size and scope of the federal
government by at least fifty percent. Imagine if the American people
suddenly had the federal government out of their pocketbooks and off
their backs? What would they do with all that newfound freedom? It is
too scary to contemplate.

Do not worry, however. Thanks to the fine men and women of the
Republican Party, John McCain will carry their standard into the
November elections. Yes, my dear friends, David Rockefeller and his
fellow travelers at the Council on Foreign Relations can rest easy.
Should McCain win the general election, they will retain their
influence in the White House. Indeed, we can all rest easier knowing
that John McCain will be the Republican nominee for President.

After all, John McCain will see to it that our borders and ports
remain open to illegal aliens. In fact, a McCain Presidency will
ensure that illegal aliens become permanent U.S. citizens. Or better
yet, that the U.S. and Mexico will be merged into a North American
Community, thus eliminating the need for U.S. citizenship altogether.
This will greatly help the Chamber of Commerce and Big Business. Think
of the money they can save by hiring cheap Mexican labor. Think of the
plants and factories that can be moved to Mexico. Think of the cheap
Chinese goods that can be loaded onto Mexican trucks from Mexican
ports and shipped into the United States on the NAFTA superhighways.

And did I mention the advantage a John McCain Presidency will provide
to incumbents in future elections? Because John McCain does not
believe in the U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment means nothing to
him. This is good, because he can use the bully pulpit of the
Presidency to promote his McCain/Feingold bill that would make it
illegal for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions regarding
the voting records of incumbents during a general election. That means
those sinister organizations such as the National Rifle Association
and Gun Owners of America will no longer be able to publicly promote
their views regarding the anti-Second Amendment voting records of
congressmen and senators.

That Ron Paul kook would never have tolerated such a law as
McCain/Feingold. But thanks to the fine men and women of the
Republican Party, we do not need to worry about these little
inconveniences such as the First and Second Amendments (or any of the
other articles within the Bill of Rights, for that matter), because
they wisely selected John McCain to be their standard-bearer.

Furthermore, because the good men and women of the GOP decided to
nominate John McCain, we can look forward to one hundred years of war
in the Middle East. We can all anticipate the opportunity of sending
our troops into harm’s way all over the world to promote the interests
of international corporations, nation-building, and other U.N.

Had that nut Ron Paul been elected, he would have practiced a
non-interventionist foreign policy. He would have sought peace with
all nations. And, instead of preemptively invading foreign countries,
he would have dealt constitutionally with terrorists, resulting in
their capture or death, the protection of America, the absence of
long-term war, and the respect of nations throughout the world.
Furthermore, that nut Paul would have refused to use U.S. forces to do
the bidding of the United Nations and other international entities.

However, we do not need to worry about old-fashioned, out-of-date
ideas such as constitutional government, conservative principles, or
common sense, because the fine men and women of the Republican Party
wisely chose John McCain as their presumptive Presidential nominee.
Yes, indeed. Let’s hear it for the GOP!

 (c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, AIDS, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benny Hinn, bible, bill clinton, Billy Graham, catholicism, China, christian rock, christian science, Christianity, Chuck Baldwin, church corruption, church deception, church scandal, Democrat, duncan hunter, embryonic stem cell research, emergent church, false Christianity, fascism, feminism, fox news, Fred Thompson, freemason, Freemasonry, George Bush, germany, global warming, globalism, GOP, government, Great Tribulation, healthcare, hillary clinton, HIV, holocaust, homosexuality, Hurricane Katrina, idolatry, illegal immigration, immigration, iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, jerry falwell, jimmy carter, joel osteen, john hagee, john mccain, Johnny Sutton, juanita bynum, judgment, judgment on America, karl rove, kenneth copeland, Larry Craig, Left Behind, masonry, media, mental illness, mexico, michael savage, mike evans, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Muslim, nazism, neocon, neoconservative, nephilim, New Age, new world order, Newt Gingrich, occult, Oral Roberts, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Pat Tillman, pharisee, politics, prophecy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Warren, robert schuller, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, rush limbaugh, saddam hussein, sam brownback, sanctuary cities, Satanism, Saudi Arabia, Sean Hannity, spiritual corruption, spiritual deception, Sun Myung Moon, TBN, TD Jakes, terrorism, Tom tancredo, trinity broadcasting network, war on terror, witchcraft | Comments Off on Let’s Hear It For The GOP! by Pastor Chuck Baldwin