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Service To Jesus Christ Is The Highest Calling

Archive for August, 2008

Surprise Surprise: Salmonella Outbreak From Mexico

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

It did not take a genius to figure out where the contamination came
from: Mexico. Just like I said before about what free trade is doing to
us. Well, we are reaping what we sow when no one stands up to our
corrupt leaders, or should I say servants. This proves how backwards the
american church is because it is like Chuck Baldwin says that the
authority in this country is “WE THE PEOPLE”. Since the people are not
leading then the servant becomes master. From the fruit of people’s own
corruption shall they eat of. God will not honor the prayers of those
who are too lazy to take any action themselves. Most get the idea that
God is some sort of genie waiting to grant our every wish, yet are not
willing to do anything themselves. Wicked and lazy servants will not
inherit the kingdom of God.

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Surprise Surprise: Salmonella Outbreak From Mexico

Even Iraq Wants A Timeline For Us To Get Out Of Their Country!

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

Well, according to this, Iraq itself wants a timeline for our troops to
pull out. I also heard that there is a plan for us to pull out soon.
Well, I guess McCain and all the warmongering neocons may be out of
luck. They wouldn’t know what to do with their pathetic lives without
war, which is why they’d probably try to start another one. I have also
heard that Iraq has a surplus of $79 billion, which none of it will
repay us. This war seems like a deliberate tactic to break this country.

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , | Comments Off on Even Iraq Wants A Timeline For Us To Get Out Of Their Country!

Beijing Olympics And The Evil of China

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

Other world leaders seem to have more conviction than Bush. Yes, Bush is
officially condemning the human rights violations but yet is still going
along with this. According to China, the olympics is the stamp of
approval of their government. Of course, on the other hand, they
threaten those who don’t attend. But Bush is so full of selfrighteous
hypocrisy condemning human rights violations of China while he does his
own violations through war and abortion. If these kind of violations
were why we invaded Iraq then why isn’t Bush talking about invading
China? This goes to prove how phony Bush and all the neocons are. I
don’t fault Bush alone but I fault all the mindless kneejerk neocons for
promoting his evil. Everyone of them will pay in the fires of hell if
they do not repent.

Posted in Christianity, church corruption, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , , | Comments Off on Beijing Olympics And The Evil of China

Jim Marrs: Another Truth Telling Site!

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

I heard this guy last night on COAST TO COAST and was very deep. He was
explaining that Bush and most politicians are old line nazis. He said
that that Japan was provoked and manipulated which led to the attack of
PEARL HARBOR. I think all this and more is covered in his book: “THE
RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH.” I have to look more into this myself. Of
course I know that you are like me in which nothing surprises me
anymore. It has nothing to do with being cynical but realizing we have
been lied to about nearly everything all our lives. I get so frustrated
when certain shows about religious history are so distorted, like giving
credit to romans for furthering christianity, when it was mostly the
catholic heresy that was furthered by the likes of Constantine. These
are the same liars that say catholics are christians. Anyone who knows
the bible knows that angel worship is forbidden in it, which catholics
are not even limited to. I guess you have heard that McCain is thinking
about picking Tom Ridge for VP. He is pro-abortion. So pro-life groups
will not get away with endorsing McCain. It seems like there may have
been something else I overheard tying him to nazis or something. I was
right about the neocons wanting to start another war, just see how they
are wanting to start with Russia now over their conflict with Georgia.
Warmongers are so predictable. Savage seems to be on a role on these
topics, but remains to be seen how consistent he will be on them. I hear
that people are waking up to a lot that is going on now, and this from
the radio. How is it from your viewpoint? I know there are always
diehard neocons, such as my family, who will never forsake their
hypocrisy no matter what goes on. Even those in the military are waking
up to the truth. Are the neocon fools going to ignore their own idols
when they speak the truth? There is no doubt in my mind that all
bushbots are hellbound by the level of evil that Bush is involved with.
I know that only through God are all things possible but those who
support His enemies such as Bush are under the influence of the Evil One
and not likely open to truth.

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, judgment, politics, prophecy, spiritual deception | Comments Off on Jim Marrs: Another Truth Telling Site!


Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

I checked out this site and it is thorough and consistent in its interpretation of
scripture. The only place where they may miss it was then just
mentioning Babylon ending up in flames, when that will be the fate of
the whole world. Other than that I am in total agreement with it. I even
sent this to my family in hopes that it would wake them up. If this
doesn’t nothing will. I have been catching a few of the COAST TO COAST
shows and learn something new every time. The stuff they reveal on there
falls in line with this. I find out that the nazis were not defeated in
WW2 but have infiltrated corporations and areas of the government. They
also had secret technology even back during the holocaust. Hoagland
calls NASA, NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER. I had realized why Jack Van Impe
twists scriptures like the ones dealing against the magic arts, like
mentioned in both Rev.21:8 & 22:15. Remember how he try to interpret
that as drug use?   That is not defending drug use because the bible
talks about those who pollute their own body, but has nothing to do with
magic arts, so is a separate issue. It seems like he is defending an
abomination to God. The only thing I figure why he is doing that is
because he is appeasing all the false, like catholics and muslims and
through this I guess he is appeasing the native americans since their
culture seems to revolve around shamanism. It is as though Jack is
trying to unite all the false to create a false body of Christ. This
site makes it all clear that this is the agenda of these wicked
imposters who even deceive themselves. All this positive newage gospel,
which in all actuality is negative because it is lies that lead to
damnation, neglect the importance of repentance. This site is right on
because it points out the jew hating white supremacy that is widespread
in the church. This site also brought up something I never thought
about. Like where Jesus talked about the days of Noah being like the end
times we assume he is talking about the Flood, but this mentions that
Noah saw the rise of Babylon after the Flood. I have also found out that
freemasonry predates Nimrod. That has to make it one of the oldest
religions in the world. But there are some waking up. I recently got the
new CD from POD and was impressed by their lyrics. They pointed out the
cowardice and hypocrisy of religion and politics. Through their lyrics
they ask why is everyone so blind and so full of hatred and war. Praise
God for the likes of them that have the honest conviction for the truth.
Man, you know this country is going to pay. Our goverment is responsible
for radicalizing the islamists in he middle east. It is the plan of our
satanic government to pit one group of people against each other for
decreasing the population of the earth down to just these satanists. The
satanists are not just the government but also the church itself. When I
fell into extreme darkness in my past it was when I was still attending
church. Church itself contradicts God’s word because God causes all men
to be drawn unto Him, not repelled. Chruch has always caused me to be
angry with God, whether it was legalism, false doctrine, or just
hypocrisy. They will pay for that as well as all those who they lead
astray. I pity those who believe hese lies but have no pity for those
who teach them. They will be most severly punished and reserved for the
blackest darkness (2Peter 2:17).

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on IS AMERICA MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT HARLOT?

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Bush Family Oligarchy

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

This talks about how Hitler used propaganda for religious purposes much like
what is going on now. This exposes the falseness of revivals, or a grand
revival, since it contradicts the very words of Jesus. This is how you
can tell who really loves Jesus by if they listen to His words or not. I
really get so sick of this watered down newage gospel that focuses on
just being nice (which even heathens teach), while forsaking the truth
of scripture. God hasn’t called us to be nice. Jesus wasn’t always nice.
Of course we are to be polite and respectful but that doesn’t mean we
are to be afraid of offending anyone with the truth. Those who are
ashamed of the truth will be put to shame. I thank God so much that we
are not under the mind control that seems to affect most of the church.
Of course it is more of a spiritual issue. If the majority of the church
read the bible they would be vigilant and know what we know. All the
pastors that go along with this evil will be judged like none other. The
hypocrites are so predictable. If you was to put this up on your blog
there would probably be some fool to try to dispute it. It shows you
what spirit they are under. If Paul had so much warnings against
heretics and false prophets then why do most ignore that advice? Most of
these people act like such do not exist and if they do then accuse us in
their warped thinking. Those who really read the bible will not have
warped thinking because His word renews our minds. Who are these
arrogant imposters to ignore the advice from Jesus himself, who warned
against the leaven of the Pharisees, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and of
false christs? Such show contempt for Christ and will be dealt with

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John McCain Pro Life? What A Joke! by Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

This column is archived at

Once again, “pro-life” Christians are doing back flips to try and justify
their compromise of the life issue by trying to convince everyone (including
themselves) that John McCain is truly pro-life. However, these same people
know in their hearts that John McCain shares no fidelity to the life issue
in any significant or meaningful way. Like many in the Republican Party,
McCain’s commitment to life is about as deep as a mud puddle.

Dare I remind everyone that the “pro-life” GOP controlled the entire federal
government from 2000 to 2006 and nothing was done to overturn Roe v. Wade or
end legal abortion-on-demand? When George W. Bush took the oath of office in
January of 2001, over one million innocent unborn babies were being murdered
in the wombs of their mothers every year via legal abortions in this
country. And when George W. Bush leaves office in January of 2009, over one
million innocent unborn babies would still be murdered in the wombs of their
mothers every year via legal abortions in this country. Eight years of a
“pro-life” President and six years of the “pro-life” GOP in charge of the
entire federal government and not one unborn baby’s life has been saved. Roe
v. Wade is still the law of the land, and abortion-on-demand is still legal
in America.

Had John McCain and his fellow Republicans truly wanted to end legal
abortion, they could have passed Congressman Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life
Act. Year after year, Dr. Paul introduced this bill, and year after year, it
sat and collected dust in the document room on Capitol Hill.

What would Congressman Paul’s bill do? It would do two things: 1) It would
define life as beginning at conception and, thus, declare the personhood of
every pre-born child. 2) Under Article. III. Section. 2. of the U.S.
Constitution, it would remove abortion from the jurisdiction of the Court.
In practical terms, Dr. Paul’s bill would overturn Roe v. Wade and end legal
abortion-on-demand. So, where was John McCain? Why did he not support Ron
Paul’s bill and introduce a companion bill in the U.S. Senate?

How can John McCain, and his fellow Republicans in Washington, D.C., look
pro-life Christians and conservatives in the eye in 2008 and expect that we
take them seriously when they say that they are “pro-life”? If the GOP had
truly wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade and end legal abortion-on-demand, they
could have already done it. They controlled the White House, the U.S.
Senate, and the House of Representatives for six long years, for goodness
sake. The reason they did not do it is because they did not want to do it.
They merely want to use “pro-life” rhetoric as a campaign tool to dupe
gullible Christian voters every election year. And the disgusting thing
about it is–it works.

The vast majority of notable “pro-life” leaders in the country are now
trumpeting the candidacy of John McCain. And the best challenge they can
come up with is “McCain better not pick a ‘pro-choice’ Vice President.” Oh,
shut up (to quote Jay Leno)!

John McCain openly embraces embryonic stem cell research. In 2000, he boldly
said he did not favor the overturn of Roe v. Wade. John McCain was a member
of the infamous “Gang of 14” senators from both parties whose purpose was to
oppose pro-life, strict constructionist judges.

Speaking of judges, John McCain voted for the pro-abortion justice, Stephen
Breyer, and the radical, pro-abortion, ACLU attorney, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
So much for the argument that we need John McCain for the sake of appointing
conservative justices to the Supreme Court. For that matter, Republican
appointments dominated the Court that gave us Roe v. Wade and the one that
later gave us Doe v. Bolton. Proving, once again, that the Republican Party,
as a whole, has no real commitment to the life issue.

John McCain also gave us McCain-Feingold. This is the law that keeps
pro-life or pro-Second Amendment organizations from broadcasting ads that
mention a candidate by name 30 days before a primary election or 60 days
before a general election.  This proves that John McCain believes neither in
the right to life nor the right to keep and bear arms. (This is one reason
why the Gun Owners of America gives McCain a grade of F.)

In a debate with George W. Bush in May of 2000, John McCain attacked Bush’s
support for the pro-life plank in the Republican Party. Still today, John
McCain believes that babies who are conceived via rape or incest should be
murdered. I remind readers, however, that there are no “exceptions” in the
womb, only babies.

If all of the above is not enough, as a senator, John McCain has repeatedly
voted to fund pro-abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood with federal
tax dollars. In fact, McCain has voted to use federal tax dollars to support
abortion providers at home and overseas. Yes, this “pro-life” senator (along
with “pro-life” President, George W. Bush) has significantly increased
federal spending for abortion providers to levels eclipsing even the
appropriations authorized by President Bill Clinton and his fellow

John McCain also supports the United Nations, which not only works to strip
the United States of its independence and sovereignty, and banish our right
to keep and bear arms, but is also the most radical, pro-abortion
organization in the entire world. More babies have been aborted around the
world under the auspices of the U.N. than any other single entity.

Tell me again, Mr. Christian Leader, how “pro-life” John McCain is. What a
joke!  (c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in abortion, America, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on John McCain Pro Life? What A Joke! by Chuck Baldwin

Hooray For Jerry Corsi by Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

Coming from Corsi makes it all more credible because all other attacks
against Obama is to promote McCain. I don’t know who neocons like
Hannity think they are fooling. I heard him pleading for McCain not to
pick a pro-abortion VP at the end of his show. McCain himself is
pro-abortion, no matter what he claims, just like the rest of the party
that voted to increase funding for abortion. Well, I hope he does so
maybe it will help drive the truth home. But anyone who still believes
in honesty in our government I have a bridge to sell them. Even neocons
like Hannity are realizing their own doom. Of course all would be right
with the universe if their saviour McCain won. Those who are looking for
McCain to save them do not have a clue to reality but living some kind
of warped fantasies. How derange someone must be to not see how McCain
and Obama are so alike? Finally someone giving an endorsement for Chuck
for a change. People better wake up. For dems that are anti-war Obama is
no different. Both sides are war profiteers and will keep it going or
start another one.

This column is archived at

Dr. Jerome Corsi is probably the most controversial man in America these days. His blockbuster new book, The Obama Nation, is currently the New York Times Number One Bestseller, and media talking heads are having a hissy fit. They are incensed that there is someone of Corsi’s intelligence and credentials who is willing to tell the truth about the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama.

You see, the national media have elevated Obama to a position beyond sainthood: they view him as the fourth member of the Godhead. He can do no wrong. He is America’s–no, check that, he is the world’s–savior. How dare Dr. Corsi spoil the sacrosanct candidacy–and the media’s universal anointing–of Obama?

The fact is, however, Jerry Corsi is a rare breed these days: he is an honest and objective journalist whose commitment to truth outweighs his desire for popularity. I will go even further: Jerry Corsi is what the rest of the national media should be, but aren’t.

Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers believed that the First Amendment protection of the freedom of the press was necessary, because they assumed the press would serve as an independent, unbiased, and truthful check and balance to the propensities of government toward subterfuge and duplicity. And for many years, this goal was more or less fulfilled. No more.

For the most part, the national media today are nothing more than lap dogs for both major parties, but especially for the Democratic Party. We have not seen a sincere effort by the major media to circumvent the machinations of the party in power (Democrat or Republican) since the days of the Watergate investigations. The major media–especially the television media–have accommodated and even facilitated George W. Bush’s corruption as much as they did Bill Clinton’s–maybe more. With few exceptions, they have become nothing more than pathetic panderers of power.

Therefore, when a fellow journalist–especially one with the credentials of Jerry Corsi–writes a thoroughly researched and well-documented exposé of one of the media’s darlings, packs of attack dogs descend with bloodlust. In fact, Dr. Corsi has received more intensive scrutiny from the national media in one week than Barack Obama has received since he became a candidate for President.

I say, Hooray for Jerry Corsi. And, yes, I very much appreciate the fact that he endorsed my candidacy for President by saying in his book, “I intend to vote in 2008 for Chuck Baldwin.” However, readers should know that I admired Jerry Corsi and his brilliant investigative reports long before I became a candidate for President with the Constitution Party and long before he wrote his latest masterpiece. Dr. Corsi also made it clear that his book The Obama Nation was in no way intended “to be an argument for Chuck Baldwin [his quote].”

For balance, every person in America should read Dr. Corsi’s book The Late Great USA. This book just might be the most important book written in this young twenty-first century. Jerry’s exposure of President George W. Bush’s (and his fellow travelers at the Council on Foreign Relations) globalist schemes in The Late Great USA is beyond masterful: it is a blueprint for America’s survival as a free and independent republic. Therefore, no one can honestly claim that Corsi’s exposé on Obama is somehow politically biased, because he has exposed the shenanigans of both Republicans and Democrats.

I just wish that Jerry had time to write an exposé on John McCain, because no one else among America’s national journalists has the intention (much less the integrity) of doing it, and McCain is certainly equally deserving. (c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , , , | Comments Off on Hooray For Jerry Corsi by Chuck Baldwin

America’s Greatest Threat by Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

We don’t need to worry about foreign countries because our own
leadership seems to be the most powerful and tyrannical, to be able to
bully the rest of the world and get away with it. The problem is that
they are never challenged because of all the lockstepping lapdogs of
this phony miserable party and is why they are arrogant. If people would
stand up for truth it would force their hand in revealing the truth of
their nature, even more so than now. There has been some revolt, like
about the Texas Corridor, but still the scoundrels will not rest till
they find a way to push their agenda. The media has and still is going
along with the war propaganda. It seem like every day I hear something
corrupt about about someone in this adminstration. For instance, I had
heard that Karen Hughes is working with islamist extremist groups and
funding them. It is this administration that is promoting terror. They
are playing both sides against each other in order to reduce the world’s
population. I know the islamists were targets of extremist
indoctrination but they are responsible for giving in to the lies. All
those without Christ are vunerable to lies, even those within. I hear
callers on COAST TO COAST thanking Noory because they cannot get the
truth anywhere else on radio. I know how true that is because Savage is
open to lies. I heard a caller on his show proclaim that every knee will
bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but Savage’s response
was that many people believe differently. But I bet the response would
be the same from these other neocon shows who claim to be christian
(even though they are catholic), who have no excuse for defiance against
the one they claim to serve. Catholics do not have one master. They have
many masters that will be their undoing. The fact that catholics are
polytheistic makes them less credible than muslims who are monotheistic.

This column is archived at

Every time violence erupts somewhere in the world, our national leaders and
news media make it sound like that particular outbreak is America’s greatest
threat. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is no exception. Almost as
soon as news of the conflict broke, the presumptive Republican Presidential
nominee, John McCain, was suggesting that the United States (or the United
Nations) should send troops to the scene. I guess two wars are not enough
for McCain; he now wants to start a third. (And with all his talk about
bombing Iran, make that four.) And talk all over Washington, D.C., was
mostly about what kind of military response the United States should take.

Have people lost their minds? Or do people really believe that the United
States is the world’s–or should we say the United Nations’–policeman?
Apparently, that is what our national leaders from both major parties

Let’s face it: most of America’s foreign policy over the last several
decades has been more about fulfilling the U.N.’s global desires than
protecting the people and property of the United States. And, yes, that
includes America’s invasion of Iraq.

Do readers not remember that soon after launching the invasion of Iraq,
President Bush appeared before the United Nations and plainly told that
sinister organization that the reason he had ordered the invasion of Iraq
was to “defend . . . the credibility of the United Nations”? Frankly, I did
not know the United Nations had any credibility worth defending.
Nevertheless, G.W. Bush was willing to sacrifice over 4,000 American lives
for the express purpose of defending the U.N.’s “credibility.” Now, John
McCain appears willing to send troops to Georgia.

I will not use this column to analyze the specific events leading up to
Russia’s attack against Georgia, except to say that one can count on the
fact that there is much more to the story than what NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN
are telling us.

In addition, one of the major fallacies being perpetrated by most in
Washington, D.C., is the notion that America is somehow strengthened and
protected by aggressive meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. Such a
philosophy was considered anathema to America’s Founding Fathers. They
rightly understood that such reasoning created more problems than it solved
and that it made America more vulnerable, not more secure.

Regardless of what the underlying and overriding reasons for Russia’s attack
might have been, I will say here and now that the Russian-Georgian conflict
is not America’s greatest threat. I will also be so bold as to say that Iran
or North Korea is not America’s greatest threat, either. In fact, I will
categorically state that no foreign nation (although, of all foreign
nations, Red China should undoubtedly be our biggest concern–and none of
our national leaders seem the least bit concerned about it) is America’s
greatest threat. America’s greatest threat comes from within. And I am not
alone in that opinion.

Daniel Webster warned, “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to
accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be
from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of
their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess
that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a
confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their
conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and
become the instruments of their own undoing.”

While the national media focuses on Russia, Georgia, Iraq, Afghanistan, or
Iran, our own leaders are quietly molding the clay of our own demise right
here at home. Both political parties, and the standard-bearers they select,
are facilitating the surrender of our national sovereignty and independence.
They are working in darkness to build an international community where the
laws and principles of individual nation-states (including America’s) are
made subservient to the laws and principles of international entities. This
is America’s greatest threat.

For example, John McCain supports the International Criminal Court. Can you
believe this? Can you imagine U.S. citizens being hauled off before an
international court to be tried for crimes? Imagine an international court
whose rulings and opinions overrule U.S. rulings and opinions. Imagine a
court setting where the constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights are
null and void. Imagine a court setting where international law trumps U.S.
or state laws. If that is not a surrender of U.S. sovereignty, nothing is!
And John McCain is all for it.

Furthermore, both John McCain and Barack Obama support NAFTA, the WTO, GATT,
and the FTAA. Both major party candidates support the NAFTA superhighway,
the creation of a North American Community (which is the precursor to a
North American Union), the SPP, and the United Nations.

Ladies and Gentlemen, America is on the verge of losing its independence and
its national sovereignty. And both major political parties (along with a
compliant national media) are equally culpable. And mark this down: when
America loses its independence and national sovereignty, we also lose our
freedoms and liberties. Please remember that before a Constitution and Bill
of Rights could be drafted, there was first drafted a Declaration of
Independence. It is the Declaration of Independence that lays the
cornerstone and builds the wall of protection around the Constitution and
Bill of Rights. Lose the Declaration and we lose the Constitution and Bill
of Rights.

No, the greatest threat to America does not come from Russia, Iraq, Iran, or
any other foreign country. America’s greatest threat comes from a complacent
populace who would sit back and do nothing while our own civil magistrates
surrender our nation’s sovereignty and independence to international

Think about it: 232 years after Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of
Independence, and after our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes,
and sacred honor to defend that document, our nation’s leaders from both
major parties are in the process of ceding America back to the kind of
global empire from which we fought to break free. This is America’s greatest
threat! (c) Chuck Baldwin

Posted in America, Christianity, church corruption, George Bush, GOP, judgment, politics, prophecy, Republican, spiritual deception | Tagged: , , , | Comments Off on America’s Greatest Threat by Chuck Baldwin

McCain, Bush, Obama: The Three Amigos By Chuck Baldwin

Posted by soldierservant on August 24, 2008

I believe Chuck is wrong about the idea of defeating illegal amnesty. If
amnesty is defeated then how come the illegals are still getting funded
through welfare? While it may be true that some states are cracking down
on them there is not from the federal government. This issue will not
change unless this nation repents because this illegal invasion is just
one of the symptoms of several curses on this nation for its wickedness.
This very same thing happened to ancient Israel when they fell from God.
Same thing with the fall of Rome. Nobody seems to know their history and
is why we are condemned to repeat it. Even if you did not know history
just mere common sense would tell you what is wrong. When people
lockstep to a traitor who is selling us out, what do you think is going
to happen? People are so arrogant and foolish to think they can do as
they please without consequence. Well, God is not mocked because you
will reap what you sow. Anyone living in reality or watch the news will
know things are not good. The economy is so bad that people are having
to give up pets, vacations, cars and houses, and other ways of living.
Sad to say this even impacts charities too. Anyone who listens to fools
like Rush Limbaugh, who says that all this is good, deserve every bit of
hardship you get. You reap what you sow. All the bushbots need to
realize what fools they are for supporting the least popular president
in all of history. His legacy will be having the lowest approval rating
than any president ever. It is much deserved because of his betrayal to
Israel and Christ. Everyone who still supports Bush is a traitor on the
same order as he is. Such cannot expect to escape the wrath of God for
supporting an antichrist unless they truly repent and stop their wicked
idolatry. One good thing I can say about Bush is that through him you
can tell who the charlatans are, whether they are televangelists or your
local pastor (wolf in sheep’s clothing). That is how you can tell who is
a legit man of God. If they support an antichrist like Bush then they
are an imposter. Even if they do not keep up with all that is going on
they would still be able to discern through God’s Holy Spirit, if they
had Him. Those who can’t discern are not from God. Those who support
wickedness, even through ignorance, prove they are not God’s. His sheep
know His voice and those of Him know who is not of Him. Those who truly
love God will not fall for every satanic imposter and will know God’s
word to combat every lie from hell. I know that there may not be a
perfect church but a good one is one that is not conformed to the
wickedness of this world, like most seem to be. One thing that surprises
me is that our governor is not lockstep with Bush’s globalism because
here in Texas they are still going through with the death penalty for
Jose Medillan, a mexican national illegal alien murderer/rapist gang
member that Bush was trying to pardon.

This column is archived at

Both Republican Party Presidential candidate John McCain and Democrat Party Presidential candidate Barack Obama recently spoke at the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza. I’m sure most readers understand that “La Raza” is Spanish for “The Race.”

That McCain and Obama would pander before an organization such as La Raza indicates just how deeply both the Republican and Democrat parties are committed to appeasing the pro-illegal immigration forces. And mark it down: there is not a more pro-illegal alien organization in existence than La Raza.

As a comparison: can one imagine the maelstrom that would be created within the mainstream media if both major-party Presidential candidates appeared before a gathering of an all-white organization called “The Race”?

As if having the two major-party Presidential candidates appear before La Raza isn’t enough, the current occupant of the White House, President George W. Bush, is also on record as supporting the goals of La Raza. Remember, it was George W. Bush, along with Senators John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and Lindsey Graham, who did everything within their power to coerce both houses of Congress into passing a sweeping amnesty bill for illegal aliens. Only a unified and thunderous protest from millions of average Americans defeated their efforts.

President Bush’s support for La Raza is also demonstrated by the fact that the Bush administration (with the aid and assistance of Congress) has given millions of taxpayer dollars to the pro-illegal alien group.

Columnist Michelle Malkin recently wrote a revealing article that warned the American people of things everyone should know about La Raza. Here are a few samples.

La Raza supports driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. La Raza demands in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students that are not available to law-abiding U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. La Raza opposes cooperative immigration enforcement between local, state and federal authorities. La Raza opposes a secure fence on the southern border.

La Raza opposed the state of Oklahoma’s tough immigration-enforcement-first laws, which cut off welfare to illegal aliens, put teeth in employer sanctions, and strengthened local-federal cooperation. La Raza joined other open-borders, anti-assimilationists and sued to prevent Prop. 227, California’s bilingual education reform ballot initiative, from becoming law.

La Raza gives mainstream cover to a poisonous subset of ideological satellites, led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or MEChA. The late Rep. Charlie Norwood rightly characterized MEChA as “a radical racist group . . . one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.”

La Raza sponsors militant ethnic nationalist charter schools subsidized by your public tax dollars (at least $8 million in federal grants). La Raza thrives on ethnic supremacy–and the elite’s unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: “[The] organization’s very nomenclature ‘The National Council of La Raza’ is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests) reflects the meaning of ‘race’ in Spanish, not ‘the people’–and that’s precisely why we don’t hear of something like ‘The National Council of the People,’ which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial and tribal chauvinism.” (Source: National Review Online)

In spite of La Raza’s obvious racist, anti-American agenda, both John McCain and Barack Obama were more than happy to prostitute themselves in front of this grubby group. And, as already noted, President Bush has repeatedly championed many of La Raza’s goals and has rewarded La Raza with millions of federal tax dollars.

Accordingly, President George W. Bush, and Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are not only three peas in a pod when it comes to illegal immigration: they are The Three Amigos.

Just as George W. Bush has no intention of securing America’s borders, neither does John McCain nor Barack Obama. Both of these Presidential candidates will continue the policies of their predecessor and leave the U.S. wide open to the threat of potential terrorists, drug dealers, violent gang members, and felonious criminals.

The reason for this should be obvious: McCain and Obama, along with many others in Washington, D.C., do not believe in putting America first. They are globalists through and through. As I have often said, the real battle today is not between liberals and conservatives. Those labels are meaningless. It is not between Republicans and Democrats. Pat Buchanan was right when he said that the two major parties are merely “two wings of the same bird of prey.”

The real battle today is between Americans and globalists. Between those who believe in constitutional government, national sovereignty and independence, secure borders, and putting America first, and those who want to merge the United States into some kind of global New World Order.

As I said, John McCain and Barack Obama are globalists. And their pandering before an anti-American, racist organization such as La Raza proves it. (c) Chuck Baldwin

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