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Rod Parsley: The Raging Prophet

Posted by soldierservant on August 21, 2008

Most of this is pretty good in exposing him. My only point of
disagreement with this is that this was saying that miracles went out
with the apostles. Nowhere does the bible say that miracles were just
for that time. Of course I can see how one could believe that the way it
seems like most who do miracles or claim such are frauds with wicked
souls. I am not opposed to healing like many of these who also denounce
worldly wealth. Jesus spent most of his ministry healing people, so how
could any who claim to follow him be against healing? Of course you know
I do not use that to defend these charlatans. They pervert everything of
God. When Jesus healed people he just did it. He did not asked people
for a donation in order to get healed. Those like Parsley are arrogant,
promising people what they themselves cannot deliver. Then of course we
know of their condemnation game where they blame people’s lack of faith
for their sickness or poverty. If prosperity was for everybody then why
did Jesus say that the poor you would always have among you? If Jesus
mission was to wipe out poverty then I think the bible would have
mentioned it. Wicked imposters like Parsley praise the wealthy and
condemn the poor. The bible is the exact opposite because it condemns
the rich and praises the poor (James 2:1-13) when it condemns
favoritism. James 2:5, “…Has not God chosen those who are poor in the
eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he
promised those who love him.” Then in verse 6 goes on to say that it is
the rich who are exploiting you. This proves how ignorant and heretical
those who believe in the prosperity gospel. Material wealth has become
an idol. Jesus said we would know them by their fruits. The bible
condemns hording wealth, but that is what all these televangelists do.
Sure, they may give, even the rich wicked pharisees give like Jesus said
out of their abundance and do for show, and that is all the reward they
get, unlike those who give in secret and sacrificially, who will be
rewarded in heaven. The bible is clear when it says not to store up
earthly riches, which moth and dust corrupt, but to store up heavenly
riches. It is more than evident that these preachers do not give
sacrificially because of the way they live. They are modern rich
pharisees. 1Tim.6:17, “Command those who are rich in this present world
no to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so
uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us
everything for our enjoyment.” 2Peter 2:14, “With eyes full of adultery,
they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in
greed-an accursed brood!” In Jude 8 talks about their rejection of
authority. When I have heard that there is no one above these
charlatans, nobody they answer to, I realize passages like this are
talking about them. They are storing up condemnation for the day of
wrath for all their lawlessness.

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