Be A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord

Service To Jesus Christ Is The Highest Calling

President Bush Defends Rapist-Murderer To Appease Mexico

Posted by soldierservant on November 10, 2007

Like I said in a previous message how Bush is exposed for his wickedness
each and every day.If Bush wants to keep the death penalty from those
who deserve it then one must wonder about those he excuted might have
been innocent.Seeing all this evidence proves that this one world order
is nothing glorious when innocents will be excuted while the guilty are
set free.Those who continue to lockstep with this vile administration
are exposed for the vile spirits they are.Just like the religious
establishment was full of the devil as Jesus had said back in his
time,so it is now.

This column is archived at

It seems President George W. Bush will stop at no lengths to appease
Mexico and place the United States under international authority. His
latest fiasco, however, twists logic, mocks justice, and defies

I am referring to the fact that President Bush is asking the U.S.
Supreme Court to overturn the death penalty of an illegal Mexican
alien convicted of brutally raping and murdering two Houston, Texas
teenagers back in 1993. (I wrote about this case already. See )

Here is Word Net Daily’s (WND) latest report of the story: “At issue
is the death penalty verdict for Jose Medellin, who confessed in 1993
to participating in the rape and murder of two Houston teenagers.
Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were sodomized and strangled with
their shoe laces. Medellin then boasted of keeping one girl’s Mickey
Mouse watch as a souvenir of the crime.

“The Bush administration is before the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to
overturn the death penalty, at the behest of the International Court
of Justice, a division of the United Nations.

“Medellin and four others were convicted of capital murder and sent to
Texas’ death row. A juvenile court sentenced Medellin’s younger
brother, who was 14 at the time, to 40 years in prison.”

(See the full WND report at )

Why, you ask, would President Bush appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court on
behalf of an illegal alien who murdered two American teenagers?
According to administration officials, it is because “the Texas court
[that convicted and sentenced Medellin] is undermining the president’s
efforts to conduct foreign policy.”

You read it right. President Bush is defending a rapist-murderer,
because the man is an illegal alien and, therefore, should be turned
over to the authority of a UN “world court.” And, according to Bush,
for the State of Texas to refuse to do so undermines the President’s
efforts to conduct foreign policy.

One has to wonder: just what kind of foreign policy does President
Bush want to conduct? Apparently, Bush’s foreign policy determines
that it is more important to appease the Mexican government than see
justice done for two American families who had their teenage daughters
raped and murdered by an illegal alien from Mexico.

Remember, this is from a President who, when he was Governor of Texas,
signed more than 150 death warrants. This is the same man who mocked
condemned prisoner Karla Faye Tucker after she had accepted the Lord
Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and had appealed to Bush for
clemency. In fact, George W. Bush just might be the only chief
executive in American history to publicly mock someone who was about
to die.


See also

See also

In his autobiography, “A Charge To Keep,” G.W. Bush addressed the
subject of granting clemencies for people convicted of capital crimes.
He said that it was not his job “to replace the verdict of a jury
unless there are new facts or evidence of which a jury was unaware, or
evidence that the trial was somehow unfair.” He has now obviously
forgotten this principle.

Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz is arguing on behalf of the state
court and its death penalty. He called Bush’s actions “breathtaking.”
He told the Houston Chronicle, “It is emphatically not the province of
the president to say what the law is. If this president’s assertion of
authority is upheld in this case, it opens the door for enormous
mischief from presidents of either party. What might these presidents
be inclined to do if they had the power to flick state laws off the

According to WND, Alliance Defense Fund Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull
said he expected justices Souter, Stevens, Breyer, and Ginsburg to
side with President Bush. For example, when Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg was General Counsel with the ACLU, she wrote a law review
article “advocating that American foreign policy be under the United
Nations.” According to Bull, the Medellin case “is manna from heaven”
for Ginsburg.

The Medellin case might be manna from heaven for Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
but it is rotten potatoes for the American people. And President Bush
is the cook in the kitchen serving up this garbage.

Is it any wonder that former Mexican President Vicente Fox told Larry
King Live last Tuesday evening that he and President Bush had agreed
to “create a new regional currency in the Americas.” (See the story at )

Fox was asked by a listener what he felt about the possibility of
having a Latin America united with one currency. According to the CNN
transcript obtained by WND, “Fox answered in the affirmative,
indicating it was a long-term plan. He admitted he and President Bush
had agreed to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas–a free
trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere, suggesting
part of the plan was to institute eventually a regional currency.”

Is there anyone who cannot see what Bush is doing? He has committed
the United States to a trilateral, hemispheric government in which
each of the three nations–the U.S., Mexico, and Canada–are united
under one regional authority. This is why President Bush demonstrates
such stubborn resistance to any plan that would attempt to keep the
United States independent of this newly formed regional authority.

Because of Bush’s plan to merge the U.S. into a North American
Community, he is determined to grant illegal aliens amnesty, and he is
willing to demand that illegal aliens who rape and murder American
citizens must be turned over to a “world court.”

It is time the American people face the reality that President Bush is
deliberately and intentionally sacrificing America’s sovereignty and
independence in order to fulfill his elitist plans for global
unification. If our congressmen and senators had any real courage,
they would impeach this man and his Vice President for treason.

The sad reality is, however, many of our congressmen and senators are
just as guilty as Bush and Cheney. Furthermore, if the American people
themselves would break away from “American Idol” and their favorite
college football games long enough to see what was really happening in
this country, we would not have these bozos in Congress to begin with.

America’s biggest threat is not from al Qaeda; it is from these
conniving internationalists in Washington, D.C.  An al Qaeda terrorist
can possibly knock down a building or bridge and kill a few of us, but
these traitors (from both major parties) in Washington have the power
to enslave the whole country–and that is exactly what they are in the
process of doing.

So, in the name of “conducting foreign policy,” President George W.
Bush is doggedly defending a Mexican rapist-murderer. However, what he
is really doing is working to appease his elitist Mexican counterparts
so they together can implement their New World Order agenda. I don’t
know about anyone else, but it makes me want to puke!

(c) Chuck Baldwin
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