Be A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord

Service To Jesus Christ Is The Highest Calling

Why Are Christians So Gullible?

Posted by soldierservant on August 20, 2007

Wow!This proves how much we are in one mind and one accord. He says most stuff I had been preaching. Don’t worry I still wll be blogging my own messages. I just sort of have to go about it a little differently than I had been. I had been too hasty and careless but am trying to take measures to avoid that now. I am sort of like the parable of the son who at first refuses but in the end will obey. I will always obey God’s spirit because I always become so restless when I don’t. So if God gives me something to say I will say it. If He doesn’t then I won’t put words in His mouth. As I was searching throughout the bible I read Isaiah chapters 28-34 that deals with all the poltical corruption that is so much like what is going on now. I am sure there are a lot more scriptures elsewhere but these will make good references that any lockstepper can’t deny. If politics wasn’t a serious matter then there wouldn’t be so many scriptures about it. There are those that say it is just an old testament thing,which is a lie because John the Baptist did the same thing in the new testament. Even Jesus reviled authority figures like when he called Herod “THAT FOX”. Just imagine what he’d call Bush. If it is Jesus who we are supposed to be following then why are all those who claim to be of him ignore his own words?

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That today’s Christians appear to be among the most gullible people on
the planet seems to be a gigantic understatement. For example, it was
just a couple or three decades ago when the largest and most
influential churches in America were pastored by strong Bible men: men
who preached hard against sin; men who didn’t try to tickle ears and
didn’t mind stepping on toes; men who were not afraid to call civil
and business leaders to account; men who called a spade a spade. Those
days are gone.

Today, the largest and most influential churches are pastored by
fluff-daisies such as Joel Osteen, Bill Hybels, and Rick Warren: men
who preach entertainment evangelism, political correctness, and
feel-goodism. Today’s largest churches share absolutely nothing in
common with America’s historic revival-style churches. How can
Christians be so gullible to fall for these snake oil salesmen?

Consider, too, how so many Christians seem to consider President
George W. Bush’s “war on terror” to be bona fide and legitimate. Yet,
this escalating and never-ending “war on terror” is doing more to ruin
America than anything Osama bin Laden could ever dream about.

The war in Iraq is not only depleting our military readiness, it is
facilitating America’s entrance into fascism and even endangering our
economic stability. According to the Congressional Budget Office,
Bush’s “war on terror” will soon cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 trillion.
Private economists say the actual figure will double that prediction.
It is no hyperbole to say that Bush’s war in Iraq has America
teetering on the brink of economic recession or worse.

(To get a real-world glimpse into the sobering economic situation in
the U.S., see: ).

Beyond that, Bush’s “war on terror” has convinced Americans (including
many Christians) that they need to surrender more and more liberties
in order to be “secure.” And for those Democrats who expected that
their party’s congressional victories last November would help thwart
Bush’s insidious infatuation with fascism, they didn’t. Congressional
Democrats have caved to the Bush “surrender your liberties or face
terrorism” hysteria time and again. In fact, just before breaking for
their current recess, Democrats in Congress approved Bush’s latest
request to expand warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping. (See:
New York Times Link ).

Bush’s war is also working hand in glove with the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) blueprint for a North American Union, including a
NAFTA superhighway and an increase of imports from Communist China. In
fact, Jerome Corsi reveals that the bridge collapse in Minneapolis
last week could be largely due to the extra burden of trucks coming
from Mexico, per Bush’s SPP agreement with Mexico and Canada. (See ).
If this is true, and I suspect that it is, we can expect to see more
of this in the months to come.

Even Newt Gingrich, a globalist insider himself, said that Bush’s war
on terror is “phony.” (See

Consider, too, that in spite of a dangerous lack of inspections of all
products imported from China (including food products) President Bush
is determined to increase imports from the communist country. His
administration is now even working to loosen restrictions against
poultry products from Red China. This is being done in spite of the
dismal track record of China’s health standards. One could even say
that China’s food imports may be poisoning Americans. And not only
does this administration not care, it is in the process of assisting
this atrocity.

Plus, this does not even take into account how Red China is supplying
weapons and ammunition used to kill American soldiers and Marines, or
how it is obtaining much of Iraq’s oil, or how this “president,
proudly bestowing upon himself the title of ‘war president,’ supports
trade policies with China that actively undermine the national
security interests of the United States and our armed forces.” Neither
does it take into account “that under the administration’s prevailing
trade policies, America’s chief export to China consists of U.S. jobs,
which are disappearing at an estimated rate of 2,250 per day.”
(Source: Kevin O’Brien, President, Sovereign Advisers in Editorial
appearing in The Washington Times, June 29, 2007. See SA at: )

In spite of all this, (and a whole lot more), Christians still support
Bush in large numbers. How can they be so gullible?

I believe one of the reasons, if not the main reason, that Christians
are so gullible lies in a mistaken, and even dangerous, intrinsic
trust of government. I hear and see this attitude expressed among my
brethren constantly.

Part of this problem stems from an illogical and unscriptural
interpretation of Romans Chapter Thirteen. Christians have been
drilled (and dare I say, brainwashed?) into believing that government
is endemically good and should be thoroughly trusted. Of course, this
was not the belief of America’s Founding Fathers, and neither was it
the belief of Church Fathers.

In fact, our entire system of government is predicated upon a
deep-rooted DISTRUST of government. Our three branches of government
stem from the suspicion that no one branch could be thoroughly trusted
and must have at least two other branches to help keep it in check.
Yet, even that was not considered enough of a deterrent to combat the
propensity of government to become tyrannical. What the separate
branches of the federal government could not do to police each other,
the states and people were to do. In other words, if Christians were
really good Americans, they would distrust, not trust, their

(For a more complete discussion of Romans Chapter Thirteen, I invite
readers to listen to my radio interview with Dr. Greg Dixon, former
pastor of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana. Go
to )

Of all people, Christians should understand the fallen nature of man:
that man in a sinful state is capable of anything (unless they attend
a “Purpose Driven” church, of course). How is it, then, that they
cannot seem to comprehend the evil machinations of people in high
office? Are they totally taken in by the “I am a Christian” façade so
many politicians use? Perhaps.

However, I believe that constant preaching from milquetoast preachers
instructing their people to trust their government is the main
culprit. The lack of discernment and courage of America’s pulpits is
frightening. They have produced a generation of Christians incapable
of understanding, much less opposing, the manifestations of evil and

I doubt that most American pastors have even heard of, much less read,
R. J. Rummel’s book, Death By Government, in which he factually
documents that more people have been murdered by their own governments
than by all of the world’s terrorists, gangsters, and outlaws
combined. They have probably never read Frederic Bastiat’s book, The
Law. They have never read Erwin Lutzer’s book, Hitler’s Cross. I’m
sure they have never heard of or read the book Vindiciae, Contra
Tyrannos, one of the most famous of the Monarchomach treatises ever
written, which advances a systematic justification of resistance
against legitimately constituted political authority. I doubt that
they have ever read William Rawle’s A View Of The Constitution,
Secession As Taught At West Point, etc.

In other words, most American pastors are unschooled and untaught in
the finer points of Biblical authority, the doctrine of jurisdiction,
the causes and necessities of civil disobedience, constitutional
government, natural law, etc. As such, they have not taught and
trained their congregants to be good Christians, much less good

In short, Christians are blind and gullible because our pulpits are
blind and gullible. As the shepherd goes, so go the sheep.

(Please help me locate the Black Regiment preachers. See: ) (c) Chuck Baldwin To subscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:

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